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graphql-codegen-factories is a plugin for GraphQL Code Generator that generates factories from a GraphQL schema and operations. The factories can then be used to mock data, e.g for testing or seeding a database.

For example, given this GraphQL schema:

type User {
id: ID!
username: String!

The following factory will be generated:

export type User = /* generated by @graphql-codegen/typescript */;

export function createUserMock(props: Partial<User> = {}): User {
return {
__typename: "User",
id: "",
username: "",

It is also possible to generate factories from an operation, for example:

query GetUser {
user {

Will result in the following factories:

export type GetUserQuery = /* generated by @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations */;

export function createGetUserQueryMock(props: Partial<GetUserQuery> = {}): GetUserQuery {
return {
__typename: "Query",
user: createGetUserQueryMock_user({}),

export function createGetUserQueryMock_user(props: Partial<GetUserQuery["user"]> = {}): GetUserQuery["user"] {
return {
__typename: "User",
id: "",
username: "",

You can also use a fake data generator to generate realistic factories such as:

import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";

export function createUserMock(props: Partial<User> = {}): User {
return {
__typename: "User",
id: faker.random.alphaNumeric(16),
username: faker.lorem.word(),


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