ActorRepresents an object which can take actions on GitHub. Typically a User or Bot.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||
avatarUrlURI! | A URL pointing to the actor's public avatar. Arguments
| ||||
loginString! | The username of the actor. | ||||
resourcePathURI! | The HTTP path for this actor. | ||||
urlURI! | The HTTP URL for this actor. |
AssignableAn object that can have users assigned to it.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||
assigneesUserConnection! | A list of Users assigned to this object. Arguments
AuditEntryAn entry in the audit log.
Implemented by
- MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
- OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry
- OrgAddBillingManagerAuditEntry
- OrgAddMemberAuditEntry
- OrgBlockUserAuditEntry
- OrgConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- OrgConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- OrgCreateAuditEntry
- OrgDisableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
- OrgDisableSamlAuditEntry
- OrgDisableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
- OrgEnableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
- OrgEnableSamlAuditEntry
- OrgEnableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
- OrgInviteMemberAuditEntry
- OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntry
- OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntry
- OrgUnblockUserAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryInvitationPermissionAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
- RepoAccessAuditEntry
- RepoAddMemberAuditEntry
- RepoAddTopicAuditEntry
- RepoArchivedAuditEntry
- RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoCreateAuditEntry
- RepoDestroyAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
- TeamAddMemberAuditEntry
- TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry
- TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry
Name | Description |
actionString! | The action name |
actorAuditEntryActor | The user who initiated the action |
actorIpString | The IP address of the actor |
actorLocationActorLocation | A readable representation of the actor's location |
actorLoginString | The username of the user who initiated the action |
actorResourcePathURI | The HTTP path for the actor. |
actorUrlURI | The HTTP URL for the actor. |
createdAtPreciseDateTime! | The time the action was initiated |
operationTypeOperationType | The corresponding operation type for the action |
userUser | The user affected by the action |
userLoginString | For actions involving two users, the actor is the initiator and the user is the affected user. |
userResourcePathURI | The HTTP path for the user. |
userUrlURI | The HTTP URL for the user. |
ClosableAn object that can be closed
Implemented by
Name | Description |
closedBoolean! |
closedAtDateTime | Identifies the date and time when the object was closed. |
CommentRepresents a comment.
Implemented by
- CommitComment
- GistComment
- Issue
- IssueComment
- PullRequest
- PullRequestReview
- PullRequestReviewComment
- TeamDiscussion
- TeamDiscussionComment
Name | Description | ||||||||||
authorActor | The actor who authored the comment. | ||||||||||
authorAssociationCommentAuthorAssociation! | Author's association with the subject of the comment. | ||||||||||
bodyString! | The body as Markdown. | ||||||||||
bodyHTMLHTML! | The body rendered to HTML. | ||||||||||
bodyTextString! | The body rendered to text. | ||||||||||
createdAtDateTime! | Identifies the date and time when the object was created. | ||||||||||
createdViaEmailBoolean! | Check if this comment was created via an email reply. | ||||||||||
editorActor | The actor who edited the comment. | ||||||||||
idID! | |||||||||||
includesCreatedEditBoolean! | Check if this comment was edited and includes an edit with the creation data | ||||||||||
lastEditedAtDateTime | The moment the editor made the last edit | ||||||||||
publishedAtDateTime | Identifies when the comment was published at. | ||||||||||
updatedAtDateTime! | Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated. | ||||||||||
userContentEditsUserContentEditConnection | A list of edits to this content. Arguments
| ||||||||||
viewerDidAuthorBoolean! | Did the viewer author this comment. |
ContributionRepresents a contribution a user made on GitHub, such as opening an issue.
Implemented by
- CreatedCommitContribution
- CreatedIssueContribution
- CreatedPullRequestContribution
- CreatedPullRequestReviewContribution
- CreatedRepositoryContribution
- JoinedGitHubContribution
- RestrictedContribution
Name | Description |
isRestrictedBoolean! | Whether this contribution is associated with a record you do not have access to. For example, your own 'first issue' contribution may have been made on a repository you can no longer access. |
occurredAtDateTime! | When this contribution was made. |
resourcePathURI! | The HTTP path for this contribution. |
urlURI! | The HTTP URL for this contribution. |
userUser! | The user who made this contribution. |
DeletableEntities that can be deleted.
Implemented by
- CommitComment
- GistComment
- IssueComment
- PullRequestReview
- PullRequestReviewComment
- TeamDiscussion
- TeamDiscussionComment
Name | Description |
viewerCanDeleteBoolean! | Check if the current viewer can delete this object. |
EnterpriseAuditEntryDataMetadata for an audit entry containing enterprise account information.
Implemented by
- MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
- OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
Name | Description |
enterpriseResourcePathURI | The HTTP path for this enterprise. |
enterpriseSlugString | The slug of the enterprise. |
enterpriseUrlURI | The HTTP URL for this enterprise. |
GitObjectRepresents a Git object.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
abbreviatedOidString! | An abbreviated version of the Git object ID |
commitResourcePathURI! | The HTTP path for this Git object |
commitUrlURI! | The HTTP URL for this Git object |
idID! | |
oidGitObjectID! | The Git object ID |
repositoryRepository! | The Repository the Git object belongs to |
GitSignatureInformation about a signature (GPG or S/MIME) on a Commit or Tag.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
emailString! | Email used to sign this object. |
isValidBoolean! | True if the signature is valid and verified by GitHub. |
payloadString! | Payload for GPG signing object. Raw ODB object without the signature header. |
signatureString! | ASCII-armored signature header from object. |
signerUser | GitHub user corresponding to the email signing this commit. |
stateGitSignatureState! | The state of this signature. |
wasSignedByGitHubBoolean! | True if the signature was made with GitHub's signing key. |
HovercardContextAn individual line of a hovercard
Implemented by
- GenericHovercardContext
- OrganizationTeamsHovercardContext
- OrganizationsHovercardContext
- ReviewStatusHovercardContext
- ViewerHovercardContext
Name | Description |
messageString! | A string describing this context |
octiconString! | An octicon to accompany this context |
LabelableAn object that can have labels assigned to it.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||||
labelsLabelConnection | A list of labels associated with the object. Arguments
LockableAn object that can be locked.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
activeLockReasonLockReason | Reason that the conversation was locked. |
lockedBoolean! |
MemberStatusableEntities that have members who can set status messages.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||||
memberStatusesUserStatusConnection! | Get the status messages members of this entity have set that are either public or visible only to the organization. Arguments
MinimizableEntities that can be minimized.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
isMinimizedBoolean! | Returns whether or not a comment has been minimized. |
minimizedReasonString | Returns why the comment was minimized. |
viewerCanMinimizeBoolean! | Check if the current viewer can minimize this object. |
NodeAn object with an ID.
Implemented by
- AddedToProjectEvent
- App
- AssignedEvent
- AutoMergeDisabledEvent
- AutoMergeEnabledEvent
- AutoRebaseEnabledEvent
- AutoSquashEnabledEvent
- AutomaticBaseChangeFailedEvent
- AutomaticBaseChangeSucceededEvent
- BaseRefChangedEvent
- BaseRefDeletedEvent
- BaseRefForcePushedEvent
- Blob
- Bot
- BranchProtectionRule
- CheckRun
- CheckSuite
- ClosedEvent
- CodeOfConduct
- CommentDeletedEvent
- Commit
- CommitComment
- CommitCommentThread
- ConnectedEvent
- ConvertToDraftEvent
- ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
- CrossReferencedEvent
- DemilestonedEvent
- DependencyGraphManifest
- DeployKey
- DeployedEvent
- Deployment
- DeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent
- DeploymentStatus
- DisconnectedEvent
- Enterprise
- EnterpriseAdministratorInvitation
- EnterpriseIdentityProvider
- EnterpriseRepositoryInfo
- EnterpriseServerInstallation
- EnterpriseServerUserAccount
- EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmail
- EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUpload
- EnterpriseUserAccount
- ExternalIdentity
- Gist
- GistComment
- HeadRefDeletedEvent
- HeadRefForcePushedEvent
- HeadRefRestoredEvent
- IpAllowListEntry
- Issue
- IssueComment
- Label
- LabeledEvent
- Language
- License
- LockedEvent
- Mannequin
- MarkedAsDuplicateEvent
- MarketplaceCategory
- MarketplaceListing
- MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
- MentionedEvent
- MergedEvent
- Milestone
- MilestonedEvent
- MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
- OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry
- OrgAddBillingManagerAuditEntry
- OrgAddMemberAuditEntry
- OrgBlockUserAuditEntry
- OrgConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- OrgConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- OrgCreateAuditEntry
- OrgDisableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
- OrgDisableSamlAuditEntry
- OrgDisableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
- OrgEnableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
- OrgEnableSamlAuditEntry
- OrgEnableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
- OrgInviteMemberAuditEntry
- OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntry
- OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntry
- OrgUnblockUserAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryInvitationPermissionAuditEntry
- Organization
- OrganizationIdentityProvider
- OrganizationInvitation
- Package
- PackageFile
- PackageTag
- PackageVersion
- PinnedEvent
- PinnedIssue
- PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
- Project
- ProjectCard
- ProjectColumn
- PublicKey
- PullRequest
- PullRequestCommit
- PullRequestCommitCommentThread
- PullRequestReview
- PullRequestReviewComment
- PullRequestReviewThread
- Push
- PushAllowance
- Reaction
- ReadyForReviewEvent
- Ref
- ReferencedEvent
- Release
- ReleaseAsset
- RemovedFromProjectEvent
- RenamedTitleEvent
- ReopenedEvent
- RepoAccessAuditEntry
- RepoAddMemberAuditEntry
- RepoAddTopicAuditEntry
- RepoArchivedAuditEntry
- RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoCreateAuditEntry
- RepoDestroyAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry
- Repository
- RepositoryInvitation
- RepositoryTopic
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
- RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
- ReviewDismissalAllowance
- ReviewDismissedEvent
- ReviewRequest
- ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
- ReviewRequestedEvent
- SavedReply
- SecurityAdvisory
- SponsorsListing
- SponsorsTier
- Sponsorship
- Status
- StatusCheckRollup
- StatusContext
- SubscribedEvent
- Tag
- Team
- TeamAddMemberAuditEntry
- TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry
- TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry
- TeamDiscussion
- TeamDiscussionComment
- TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry
- Topic
- TransferredEvent
- Tree
- UnassignedEvent
- UnlabeledEvent
- UnlockedEvent
- UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent
- UnpinnedEvent
- UnsubscribedEvent
- User
- UserBlockedEvent
- UserContentEdit
- UserStatus
- VerifiableDomain
Name | Description |
idID! | ID of the object. |
OauthApplicationAuditEntryDataMetadata for an audit entry with action oauth_application.*
Implemented by
- OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry
Name | Description |
oauthApplicationNameString | The name of the OAuth Application. |
oauthApplicationResourcePathURI | The HTTP path for the OAuth Application |
oauthApplicationUrlURI | The HTTP URL for the OAuth Application |
OrganizationAuditEntryDataMetadata for an audit entry with action org.*
Implemented by
- MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
- OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry
- OrgAddBillingManagerAuditEntry
- OrgAddMemberAuditEntry
- OrgBlockUserAuditEntry
- OrgConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- OrgConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- OrgCreateAuditEntry
- OrgDisableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
- OrgDisableSamlAuditEntry
- OrgDisableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
- OrgEnableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
- OrgEnableSamlAuditEntry
- OrgEnableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
- OrgInviteMemberAuditEntry
- OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntry
- OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntry
- OrgRestoreMemberMembershipOrganizationAuditEntryData
- OrgUnblockUserAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryInvitationPermissionAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
- RepoAccessAuditEntry
- RepoAddMemberAuditEntry
- RepoAddTopicAuditEntry
- RepoArchivedAuditEntry
- RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoCreateAuditEntry
- RepoDestroyAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
- TeamAddMemberAuditEntry
- TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry
- TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry
Name | Description |
organizationOrganization | The Organization associated with the Audit Entry. |
organizationNameString | The name of the Organization. |
organizationResourcePathURI | The HTTP path for the organization |
organizationUrlURI | The HTTP URL for the organization |
PackageOwnerRepresents an owner of a package.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
idID! | |||||||||||||||||||
packagesPackageConnection! | A list of packages under the owner. Arguments
ProfileOwnerRepresents any entity on GitHub that has a profile page.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||||
anyPinnableItemsBoolean! | Determine if this repository owner has any items that can be pinned to their profile. Arguments
| ||||||||||||
emailString | The public profile email. | ||||||||||||
idID! | |||||||||||||
itemShowcaseProfileItemShowcase! | Showcases a selection of repositories and gists that the profile owner has either curated or that have been selected automatically based on popularity. | ||||||||||||
locationString | The public profile location. | ||||||||||||
loginString! | The username used to login. | ||||||||||||
nameString | The public profile name. | ||||||||||||
pinnableItemsPinnableItemConnection! | A list of repositories and gists this profile owner can pin to their profile. Arguments
| ||||||||||||
pinnedItemsPinnableItemConnection! | A list of repositories and gists this profile owner has pinned to their profile Arguments
| ||||||||||||
pinnedItemsRemainingInt! | Returns how many more items this profile owner can pin to their profile. | ||||||||||||
viewerCanChangePinnedItemsBoolean! | Can the viewer pin repositories and gists to the profile? | ||||||||||||
websiteUrlURI | The public profile website URL. |
ProjectOwnerRepresents an owner of a Project.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||||||||
idID! | |||||||||||||||||
projectProject | Find project by number. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||||
projectsProjectConnection! | A list of projects under the owner. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||||
projectsResourcePathURI! | The HTTP path listing owners projects | ||||||||||||||||
projectsUrlURI! | The HTTP URL listing owners projects | ||||||||||||||||
viewerCanCreateProjectsBoolean! | Can the current viewer create new projects on this owner. |
ReactableRepresents a subject that can be reacted on.
Implemented by
- CommitComment
- Issue
- IssueComment
- PullRequest
- PullRequestReview
- PullRequestReviewComment
- TeamDiscussion
- TeamDiscussionComment
Name | Description | ||||||||||||||
databaseIdInt | Identifies the primary key from the database. | ||||||||||||||
idID! | |||||||||||||||
reactionGroups[ReactionGroup!] | A list of reactions grouped by content left on the subject. | ||||||||||||||
reactionsReactionConnection! | A list of Reactions left on the Issue. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||
viewerCanReactBoolean! | Can user react to this subject |
RepositoryAuditEntryDataMetadata for an audit entry with action repo.*
Implemented by
- OrgRestoreMemberMembershipRepositoryAuditEntryData
- PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
- RepoAccessAuditEntry
- RepoAddMemberAuditEntry
- RepoAddTopicAuditEntry
- RepoArchivedAuditEntry
- RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoCreateAuditEntry
- RepoDestroyAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry
- TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry
Name | Description |
repositoryRepository | The repository associated with the action |
repositoryNameString | The name of the repository |
repositoryResourcePathURI | The HTTP path for the repository |
repositoryUrlURI | The HTTP URL for the repository |
RepositoryInfoA subset of repository info.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||
createdAtDateTime! | Identifies the date and time when the object was created. | ||||
descriptionString | The description of the repository. | ||||
descriptionHTMLHTML! | The description of the repository rendered to HTML. | ||||
forkCountInt! | Returns how many forks there are of this repository in the whole network. | ||||
hasIssuesEnabledBoolean! | Indicates if the repository has issues feature enabled. | ||||
hasProjectsEnabledBoolean! | Indicates if the repository has the Projects feature enabled. | ||||
hasWikiEnabledBoolean! | Indicates if the repository has wiki feature enabled. | ||||
homepageUrlURI | The repository's URL. | ||||
isArchivedBoolean! | Indicates if the repository is unmaintained. | ||||
isForkBoolean! | Identifies if the repository is a fork. | ||||
isInOrganizationBoolean! | Indicates if a repository is either owned by an organization, or is a private fork of an organization repository. | ||||
isLockedBoolean! | Indicates if the repository has been locked or not. | ||||
isMirrorBoolean! | Identifies if the repository is a mirror. | ||||
isPrivateBoolean! | Identifies if the repository is private or internal. | ||||
isTemplateBoolean! | Identifies if the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories. | ||||
licenseInfoLicense | The license associated with the repository | ||||
lockReasonRepositoryLockReason | The reason the repository has been locked. | ||||
mirrorUrlURI | The repository's original mirror URL. | ||||
nameString! | The name of the repository. | ||||
nameWithOwnerString! | The repository's name with owner. | ||||
openGraphImageUrlURI! | The image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data. | ||||
ownerRepositoryOwner! | The User owner of the repository. | ||||
pushedAtDateTime | Identifies when the repository was last pushed to. | ||||
resourcePathURI! | The HTTP path for this repository | ||||
shortDescriptionHTMLHTML! | A description of the repository, rendered to HTML without any links in it. Arguments
| ||||
updatedAtDateTime! | Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated. | ||||
urlURI! | The HTTP URL for this repository | ||||
usesCustomOpenGraphImageBoolean! | Whether this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar. |
RepositoryNodeRepresents a object that belongs to a repository.
Implemented by
- CommitComment
- CommitCommentThread
- Issue
- IssueComment
- PullRequest
- PullRequestCommitCommentThread
- PullRequestReview
- PullRequestReviewComment
- RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
Name | Description |
repositoryRepository! | The repository associated with this node. |
RepositoryOwnerRepresents an owner of a Repository.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
avatarUrlURI! | A URL pointing to the owner's public avatar. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
idID! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
loginString! | The username used to login. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
repositoriesRepositoryConnection! | A list of repositories that the user owns. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
repositoryRepository | Find Repository. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
resourcePathURI! | The HTTP URL for the owner. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
urlURI! | The HTTP URL for the owner. |
RequirableByPullRequestRepresents a type that can be required by a pull request for merging.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||
isRequiredBoolean! | Whether this is required to pass before merging for a specific pull request. Arguments
SponsorableEntities that can be sponsored through GitHub Sponsors
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||||||
hasSponsorsListingBoolean! | True if this user/organization has a GitHub Sponsors listing. | ||||||||||||||
isSponsoredByBoolean! | Check if the given account is sponsoring this user/organization. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||
isSponsoringViewerBoolean! | True if the viewer is sponsored by this user/organization. | ||||||||||||||
sponsorsListingSponsorsListing | The GitHub Sponsors listing for this user or organization. | ||||||||||||||
sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorSponsorship | The viewer's sponsorship of this entity. | ||||||||||||||
sponsorshipsAsMaintainerSponsorshipConnection! | This object's sponsorships as the maintainer. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||
sponsorshipsAsSponsorSponsorshipConnection! | This object's sponsorships as the sponsor. Arguments
| ||||||||||||||
viewerCanSponsorBoolean! | Whether or not the viewer is able to sponsor this user/organization. | ||||||||||||||
viewerIsSponsoringBoolean! | True if the viewer is sponsoring this user/organization. |
StarrableThings that can be starred.
Implemented by
Name | Description | ||||||||||||
idID! | |||||||||||||
stargazerCountInt! | Returns a count of how many stargazers there are on this object | ||||||||||||
stargazersStargazerConnection! | A list of users who have starred this starrable. Arguments
| ||||||||||||
viewerHasStarredBoolean! | Returns a boolean indicating whether the viewing user has starred this starrable. |
SubscribableEntities that can be subscribed to for web and email notifications.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
idID! | |
viewerCanSubscribeBoolean! | Check if the viewer is able to change their subscription status for the repository. |
viewerSubscriptionSubscriptionState | Identifies if the viewer is watching, not watching, or ignoring the subscribable entity. |
TeamAuditEntryDataMetadata for an audit entry with action team.*
Implemented by
- OrgRestoreMemberMembershipTeamAuditEntryData
- TeamAddMemberAuditEntry
- TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry
- TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry
Name | Description |
teamTeam | The team associated with the action |
teamNameString | The name of the team |
teamResourcePathURI | The HTTP path for this team |
teamUrlURI | The HTTP URL for this team |
TopicAuditEntryDataMetadata for an audit entry with a topic.
Implemented by
Name | Description |
topicTopic | The name of the topic added to the repository |
topicNameString | The name of the topic added to the repository |
UniformResourceLocatableRepresents a type that can be retrieved by a URL.
Implemented by
- Bot
- CheckRun
- ClosedEvent
- Commit
- ConvertToDraftEvent
- CrossReferencedEvent
- Gist
- Issue
- Mannequin
- MergedEvent
- Milestone
- Organization
- PullRequest
- PullRequestCommit
- ReadyForReviewEvent
- Release
- Repository
- RepositoryTopic
- ReviewDismissedEvent
- TeamDiscussion
- TeamDiscussionComment
- User
Name | Description |
resourcePathURI! | The HTML path to this resource. |
urlURI! | The URL to this resource. |
UpdatableEntities that can be updated.
Implemented by
- CommitComment
- GistComment
- Issue
- IssueComment
- Project
- PullRequest
- PullRequestReview
- PullRequestReviewComment
- TeamDiscussion
- TeamDiscussionComment
Name | Description |
viewerCanUpdateBoolean! | Check if the current viewer can update this object. |
UpdatableCommentComments that can be updated.
Implemented by
- CommitComment
- GistComment
- Issue
- IssueComment
- PullRequest
- PullRequestReview
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- TeamDiscussion
- TeamDiscussionComment
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